Program 2013

Interfaith Youth Forum 2013

Bali, Indonesia.

25 - 27 October 2013

Program 2013

The opening ceremony was held at Wisbasabha Kegubernuran in Bali and officially launched by Governor of Bali Mr. I Made Mangku Pastika. There were 33 selected IYF 2013 participants and 300 students from various universities in Bali. Mr. I Made Mangku Pastika stated that conflict between groups in Indonesia show that moral degradation of nation. Not only that but also the truth which is claimed by each group cause of conflict in society.

Ms. Meliani E. Murtiningsih from Dialogue Institute, USA explained about an Introduction to Interfaith Dialogue. First, she explained about definition of interfaith dialogue. Interfaith Dialogue is cooperation, constructive and positive interaction between people of different faith traditions. There are three misconception of interfaith dialogue: an effort to create new religion, an opportunity to convert others and belief in a dialogue is only a debate. She also explained that there are three goals of interfaith dialogue: first, to gain an understanding and acceptance the difference, second, to struggle against negative conditioning and fanaticism and third, to open the door of the listening, communicating and respect.

Ms Tokuda Yor Ching Poon from Global Peace Foundation (GPF) Indonesia share the vision of GPF “One Family under God” as new paradigm of interfaith and GPF activities in Indonesia. All people, regardless of race, nationality, religion, or culture, are members of One Family under God. The Global Peace Foundation, in its approach to peace building and the advancement of human prosperity, emphasizes the central importance of universal spiritual principles and shared moral values. It is human nature to seek meaning and value in our lives, reflecting innate spiritual and moral dimensions of human character.

Religious Pluralism in Indonesia
All the 6 speakers (Islam, Christian, Catholic, Buddhist, Hindu and Confucius) really understand the topic and spoke right on the goal as we all expected. The participants were full of enthusiasm to asking question. We could conclude from material of the six religious leaders that there are universal values in the six official religions in Indonesia likely love, peace, humanity and unity. So that, if there is someone hurt other, it’s not caused of religion but the human-self who did not understand their religion. The core session of IYF 2013 is fishbowl simulation. The aim of the simulation is to practice how good way and right way in doing dialogue.

Ms. Meliani explained the rules in doing interfaith dialogue to the participants. First, communication skill –AIR or A (Appreciative Inquiry), I (“I” Statement), R (Reflective Listening). In interfaith dialogue, we also need critical-thinking in accepting information and asking some questions for clear information, as follows: First, communication skill –AIR or A
1. What do you exactly mean? What is precisely the thought?
2. Where did “the thought” come from?
3. Where is “the thought” going and what does the future look like if we hold “it”?

Worship Places Tour
The enthusiasm gets higher on the third day where the participants get the chance to visit worship places. The tour was started by visiting Kelenteng Nabi Agung (Confusian worship) and then worship center where is in one place has five worship places Pura Jagatnatha, Vihara Buddha Guna,Gereja Protestan GKPB Jemaat Bukit Dua, Mesjid Agung Ibnu Batutah, Gereja Katholik Paroki Maria Bunda Segala Bangsa. For most of them, visiting worship places was new and even thought as forbidden, but after the visits they understand that visiting worship places are accepted as long as they follow the rules of the place as a sign of respect and appreciation to the religion.

List of delegations for IYF 2013:

1. Abdul Halim / Malikulsaleh
2. Ahmad Syaiful Hidayat / UNY
3. Alex Johandi Sirait / UI
4. Auliya Nufus / UIN Jakarta
5. Bony Feryanto Maryono /  UNHAS
6. Deka Febriwan Anwary UGM
7. Dhimas Herdhianta / Universitas Jember
8. Elisabet Turnip /  USU
9. Estin Rohalia / UNSRI
10. Fabio Testi / UNIMED
11. I Kadek Andre Nuaba / UNSRI
12. Intan Selian Ana Rosana / Institute Agama Islam Negri Ar-Raniry
13. Irawan / Universitas Halu Oleo
14. Jojor Endang Simamora / Udayana
15. Laelatul Badriyah / UIN Yogyakarta
16. Manella Nurul Uma Panasani /  Universitas Airlangga
17. Mira Nanda Kurnianta / Udayana
18. Muh Fajar Nuh Pratama / Muhamadyah Surakarta
19. Muh Hasbi / Universitas Negeri Makassar
20. Nadzra /  Negeri Makassar
21. Nurpah Sari /  STAIN Palangkaraya
22. Nurul Haji Fitriani /  STAIN Palangkaraya
23. Ratih Fitria Raka Siwi / UNY
24. Rienta Primaputri / Presient University
25. Rima Liga / Univeritas Hasanuddin
26. Ruana Indah Permata / UNSRI
27. Santi / STAIN Palangkaraya
28. Umar Faruq / UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
29. Yana Ahmad Rifai / IAIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
30. Yeni Hasanah / IAIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

October, 25-27 2013
Bali, Indonesia

Day 1  (Friday, 25th October 2013)
9 a.m – 12 pm       
Noon - 2 p.m             

2 p.m - 3 p.m             

3 p.m - 3.20p.m         

3.20 p.m - 6 00p.m   

6 p.m - 7.30p.m         

7.30 p.m – 10 p.m            

10.30 p.m                          
Arrival of participants

Participants  registration, check-in and Lunch
Introduction of interfaith dialogue

Break Ashar - coffee break

Ice Breaking, Words Boat

Break Maghrib - Dinner

Opening Ceremony
a. National Anthem : Indonesia Raya
b. Welcoming Remarks from VVIP Guest and Committee
c. Bali Traditional Dancing
Light out

Day 2 (Saturday, 26th October 2013)
6 a.m – 7.30 am        
8 a.m – 09.45 a.m     

09.45  – 10.00 a.m    

10.00 - 11 45 a.m     

11.45 a.m- 12.30      

Noon – 1.30 p.m       
1.30 p.m - 3 p.m
3 p.m - 3.15 p.m
3.15 p.m - 6 p.m
6 p.m – 7.20 p.m       
7.30 p.m – 8.30 pm  
8.30 pm – 09.30       

09.30 pm – 11.00     
Pluralism in the perspective of Islam, Catholic, and Christian building a peaceful ideal nation

coffee break

Pluralism in the perspective of Hindu, Buddha, and Confusian building a peaceful ideal nation
intro to fish bowl

Lunch - Dhuhur Praying
Fishbowl part 1
coffee break - ashar praying
Fishbowl part 2
Dinner, Maghrib and Isya Praying
How to face the obstacles? New Paradigm of Interfaith and Peaceful Ideal Nation Vision “One Family under God”     
Design action plan
Heart to Heart

Day 3 (Sunday, 27th October 2013)

6 a.m                                      
7 a.m – 09.00 a.m                                                     
09.00 a.m – 09.15 a.m          
09.30 a.m – 2.30 p.m            

2.30 p.m
Presentation of Participants action plan
Coffee break
Worship Place Tour
-          Moeslem Mosque
-          Catholic Church
-          Protestant Church
-          Buddhist Vihara
-          Hindu Temple
-          Confucian
Home Sweet Home

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